
Casting an eye around our social circles, it’s easy to identify the talents of other people.  Whether our friends, family and colleagues are great cooks, inspired musicians, exceptional athletes or just really good at their jobs, other people’s skills tend to leap out at us in a way ours just don’t.

The simple truth is that often our skills and talents reside in those activities that bring us joy while we are doing them. This makes it hard for us to recognise them; when we take to something to such a degree that it becomes second nature to us, we have no reason to stop and reflect on just how unique that skill is to us. If we find something particularly easy, the temptation is to think that it comes just as naturally to everyone!

How do we recognise our talents?

Sometimes the only way we recognise these gifts within ourselves is when they are reflected back to us in a group dynamic – when other people are poised to recognise the things that we just can’t see.

When we think of talents, we shouldn’t just think of external skills like learning a language or playing the piano. Instead, we need to broaden our understanding to include aspects of emotionality and social skills. Being an excellent listener or someone who can make people feel welcome are strengths that in daily life we might take for granted, but actually have profound value in the world of work and beyond.

What is the benefit of knowing our abilities?

Once we have begun to open up to our own abilities, we can identify a way of living and being that is more deeply attuned to who we are as individuals. We begin to identify where and when we can use our skills to the benefit of ourselves and others, possibly even getting paid to do the things that we enjoy.

Working from a basis of self-confidence and self-knowledge – owning our talent – allows us to live a life freer from worry and anxiety than would otherwise be possible. From this place we can be more generous with those around us, not just with our time and resources but emotionally as well. Energised by the things we love doing, we can start to make a real, positive difference to the world around us, no matter where our talents lie.

If you want to explore this further with one of our experienced coaches, enquire using the button below today and find out how coaching can help you to develop your own rhythms.
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