
How often do we find ourselves drifting listlessly through the day, playing out the same old routine?  Working life sometimes feels designed to get us to switch off, eating, sleeping, working and repeating our weekly pattern ad nauseum. If we feel stuck in a rut, the solution doesn’t always need to be drastic. Simply making […]


In our modern consumerist culture, we are conditioned from an early age to acquire things – and to go on acquiring indefinitely.  From commodities like kitchen gadgets and clothes to ephemera like experiences, achievements and accolades, we live in a world that encourages people to accumulate.  As TV’s Frasier Crane once remarked, ‘If less is […]


In 1951, the American composer John Cage entered an anechoic chamber at Harvard University. Designed to fully absorb sonic vibrations and electromagnetic waves, the anechoic chamber was intended to block out all external sound and internal reflective echo, leaving a space where any and all noise is completely absent – a truly silent room. As […]


As humans in the 21st century, the drive towards doing is a powerful force in our lives. Busyness, productivity, action; so much of the value we ascribed to ourselves and others is tied to being constantly on the move. When we think of stillness from this perspective, it is easy to conjure images of stagnation, […]

What Are The Eyes Through Which You See?

Our perspective, or the eyes through which we see, has a direct impact on our existence in the world.  It shapes our thoughts, feelings, and actions according to a framework that is both conscious and unconscious.  By learning to flip the script, we can let go of narratives that hold us back. Perspective influences our […]

The Rhythm Of Relationships

People move at different speeds through life.  While some are imbued with a constant get-up-and-go attitude, others take a more circumspect approach.  These rhythms play themselves out in everything from individual days to whole years – and learning about our own natural rhythm can have a hugely positive impact on our interactions with those around […]

The Rhythm Of The Season

Seasonality has been at the heart of human history for as long as there have been humans walking the earth.  Knowing what to eat at what time of year, where to hunt, where to seek shelter, and how to live in accordance with the whims of nature was integral to our very survival as a […]

Stress and Neuroplasticity

Our brains are the most profoundly complex objects in the known universe. Billions of cells link with one another to forge trillions of connections that are constantly shifting and remapping themselves over the course of our lifetime. When we think about the brain, we might not consider it to be a part of the body […]

The Rhythm Of The Day

In a world that feels chaotic, confused and unsafe, we can easily lose our bearings.  While life goes on in our day to day routine it can feel like we’re floating on a tempestuous ocean, roiled by the violent emotional waves underneath us.  In such times it’s more important than ever to cultivate daily practices […]

The Value Of Community

Community has always been central to the human experience.  From our prehistoric origins as small bands held together by familial ties, to the vast, variable agglomerations of people that make up our modern publics, the ideal of community has proven an enduring encapsulation of what it means to be human.     Yet with the increasing […]