5 Ways Of Wellbeing: Connection

Relationships have a huge impact on the human psyche.  They can up lift us or drag us down, point the way forward or keep us trapped in the past. As we have seen throughout 2020 and 2021, the effects of social isolation can be particularly devastating for our mental health and overall sense of wellbeing. […]

Giving Ourselves Away

How often do we agree to something that our heart isn’t really in? Early in our careers this is usually a necessity, yet even as we progress and gain more agency as organisational leaders we can feel the pressure to conform, to act outside of our sense of who we are. As members of a […]

Reflection on Leading with Love

How do we recognise love in our working lives, both in ourselves and those around us?  Could we name it if we saw it in action?  Taking our que from Leading with Love, we’re going to look at a simple reflection exercise to help us notice those moments in our day where love was either […]

Leading with Love

Last summer saw the release of Chris and Karen Blakeley’s new book, Leading with Love.  In a world of work that is increasingly automated, optimised, tracked and measured, the humans at the heart of working life are being marginalised – subordinated to systems and processes that strip away our humanity. In a world like this, […]


How do we know when the time is right?  In every field of our lives, from work to personal relationships, timing is crucial. When to speak up, when to keep quiet, when to venture out or when to play it safe; our ability to discern when the time is right can have a profound impact […]

Energy and Resonance in the Self

In human terms, ‘energy’ is one of those nebulous concepts that can be hard to define.  In a strictly literal sense, we tend to refer to our capacity for action and activity, our ability to get up and get on.  Yet often when we employ the word we are gesturing towards a more abstract sense-impression, […]

Energy and Resonance in the Group

When people come together, they bring with them their own personal energy.  Sometimes these energies resonate in ways that are harmonious, productive and affirming.  Other times the result is a discordant clash and mindsets come into conflict with one another.    To be effective in group environments we need to learn to step into dissonance […]


In our world of networked information, the value of ‘connectedness’ is highly prized.  The ongoing push to achieve global highspeed internet access in even the remote locations is framed as a way of ‘connecting’ humanity on a global scale.  Our lives are digitally connected through social networks line Facebook and LinkedIn, to the extent these […]


When we are surrounded by people, the hum of daily activity, it can be easy to lose our sense of who we are.  For the most of us, life moves in a flurry of tweets, texts, meetings, calls.  Even if we aren’t physically present with others, we know they are never far away.  On the […]


We hear about it every day on the news and in our places of work – economic growth.  For decades the notion of endless expansion has been the dominant narrative for governments around the world, and culture has coalesced around a vision for the future where buildings grow taller, cities get larger, and profits soar […]