Why is ‘Leading With Love’ Important Today?
For our next few blog posts, we’re taking a closer look at some of the ideas explored in Chris and Karen Blakeley’s recent book, Leading with Love: Rehumanising the Workplace. If you would like to learn more, the book is available to order here. Love is not necessarily something we associate with corporate life. It is […]
Acting In Sympathy With Others
How do we conceptualise the role of other people in our work? This is not a question we often think about in daily life. Our world encourages a kind of materialistic dualism in our thinking – that we, as the subject of our experience, are fundamentally different to the external objects that we perceive outside […]
Trusting in Change
Change can come gradually, or all at once. Sometimes it feels like our world is stuck spinning its wheels, when all of a sudden, we look around to find an almost unrecognisable landscape. Change operates at different speeds throughout the different areas of our lives, from the glacial pace of macro-level social change to the […]
Vice Or Virtue
Sleeze and corruption have been in the news a lot recently, both in stories from the UK and around the world. Then again, it might be hard to pin point a time when there wasn’t some sort of scandal engulfing the world of politics or business. Wherever there are positions of power and influence, temptation […]
Surviving Or Living?
Living in the ‘now’ is a fundamental principle of mindfulness, distilled down from an array of global traditions. Around the world, various philosophies and spiritual perspectives identify the ‘now’ as a source of contentment, harmony and a well-lived life. Yet when the world seems to be in turmoil, when does ‘living in the now’ slip […]
Music Moment No. 1
For those of us who make our home in a big city, or commute into one to work, we spend most of days bombarded by an array of sounds. Sirens, motorcycles, conversations, music, machines: the flow of noise is constant and inescapable. Many people retreat into noise cancelling headphones, creating a private aesthetic bubble where […]
Self-Compassion As The Road To Self Mastery
“I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do, I do not do; but what I hate, I do… For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out. For I do not do the good I want to do, but the evil I do […]
What is Psychological Maturity
Wise and thoughtful leadership is the product of advanced human development. People who hold a level of psychological maturity are best placed to make calm, rational decisions, and put the needs of others before themselves without becoming a martyr to self-sacrifice for its own sake. But what is psychological maturity? How do we define it […]
Letting Go
Letting go can be the most difficult task we are faced with in the path of self-development advanced human development. Letting go of old habits, conceptions and practices that have become ingrained in us. Letting go of our very notion of who ‘we’ are. The process of growth involves a continual letting go throughout life, […]
Unconscious Bias & Self Defence
The internet has made it easier than ever for peoples voices to be heard. With this speaking up, new narratives have emerged that might have been buried for a long time. suddenly, more that ever we are made to confront the fact that people around us exist as unique individuals, with different life experiences and […]