Music Moment No. 2

Continuing our drive into ambient music, this time we are listening to The Pearl – a seminal album from American composer Harold Budd in collaboration with ambient pioneer, Brian Eno.      Released in 1984, The Pearl offers a collection of delicately meditative pieces that meander through various moods and atmospheres. Backed by Eno’s esoteric […]

The Sacred Or Devine

In our final look at leading with love, we come to the central goal of this whole approach: improving our life, and the lives of those around us – promotion of the human, social, and planetary good that is the outcome of love in action. It’s hard to think about the promotion of wellbeing when […]

Individual & Overall Wellbeing

In our final look at leading with love, we come to the central goal of this whole approach: improving our life, and the lives of those around us – promotion of the human, social, and planetary good that is the outcome of love in action.        It’s hard to think about the promotion […]

Love As Intentional Action Towards A Higher Purpose

If we want to lead with love, we have to first begin by defining what love itself means:     To love is to act intentionally, in sympathetic response to others (including the sacred or divine), to promote individual and overall well-being. In our view, love is not an emotion as we might usually conceive of […]

Don’t Be Caught By The System

Organisations can be places of mutually reinforcing patterns; patterns of thought, behaviour, even morality.  What is considered acceptable practice for one company might be anathema to another.  Blind eyes are often turned to abuses of power, bullying or negligence if witnesses feel that their own position may be under threat if they speak up. All […]

Introduction to the 5 ways of Wellbeing: Discovery

Keeping life fresh is hugely important to our mental well-being.  That means creating situations where we are challenged and inspired, continually striving to learn and develop new skills.  As children we are learning all the time, absorbing information from our environment and developing vital sociality. In adult life it can sometimes be hard to find […]

Introduction to the 5 ways of Wellbeing: Giving

The last entry in our series on the five ways of Wellbeing is perhaps the most important: Giving.  Turning our attention outwards, giving our time and energy to those around us, shifts the focus away from our narrow conception of self and onto the social world that we inhabit. Within that world of human connection, […]

Introduction to the 5 ways of Wellbeing: Activity

After 2 years of lockdown, we all know the effects of sitting on the sofa day in, and day out.  Lethargy, gloom, even anxiety and depression all seem to be sadly common side effects of living confined, sedentary lives.  For some, physical activity is a joy and a comfort, for others it’s a chore and […]

Introduction to the 5 ways of Wellbeing: Curiosity

When our minds are turned towards the quotidian realities of existence the sensation of life begins to dull.  We lose sight of the moments of surprise and wonder that animated us as children, lost instead in the routine, the predictable and the necessary.    Mindfulness, the state of attentiveness to and awareness of the present […]

Introduction to the 5 ways of Wellbeing

In recent years the concepts of wellness and wellbeing have taken on increased importance in public discourse. More than ever before we are encouraged to be mindful of what we eat, how well we sleep, and to open up about our problems to those around us. While this increased focus on mental health is undoubtedly […]